之前讲过了多任务学习,如简单的shared bottom,都存在一个问题:多个任务的loss如何融合?简单的方式,就是将多个任务的loss直接相加:
从上图可知,GradNorm 是以平衡的梯度作为目标,优化Grad Loss,从而动态调整各个任务的w。
那下面我们就来看看Grad Loss是怎么样的:
G调节着梯度的量级。r调节着任务收敛速度:收敛速度越快,ri就越小,从而 Gw(i)(t)应该被优化的变小。
实现如下(引自 GitHub):
# switch for each weighting algorithm:
# --> grad norm
if args.mode == 'grad_norm':
# get layer of shared weights
W = model.get_last_shared_layer()
# get the gradient norms for each of the tasks
# G^{(i)}_w(t)
norms = []
for i in range(len(task_loss)):
# get the gradient of this task loss with respect to the shared parameters
gygw = torch.autograd.grad(task_loss[i], W.parameters(), retain_graph=True)
# compute the norm
norms.append(torch.norm(torch.mul(model.weights[i], gygw[0])))
norms = torch.stack(norms)
#print('G_w(t): {}'.format(norms))
# compute the inverse training rate r_i(t)
# \curl{L}_i
if torch.cuda.is_available():
loss_ratio = task_loss.data.cpu().numpy() / initial_task_loss
loss_ratio = task_loss.data.numpy() / initial_task_loss
# r_i(t)
inverse_train_rate = loss_ratio / np.mean(loss_ratio)
#print('r_i(t): {}'.format(inverse_train_rate))
# compute the mean norm \tilde{G}_w(t)
if torch.cuda.is_available():
mean_norm = np.mean(norms.data.cpu().numpy())
mean_norm = np.mean(norms.data.numpy())
#print('tilde G_w(t): {}'.format(mean_norm))
# compute the GradNorm loss
# this term has to remain constant
constant_term = torch.tensor(mean_norm * (inverse_train_rate ** args.alpha), requires_grad=False)
if torch.cuda.is_available():
constant_term = constant_term.cuda()
#print('Constant term: {}'.format(constant_term))
# this is the GradNorm loss itself
grad_norm_loss = torch.tensor(torch.sum(torch.abs(norms - constant_term)))
#print('GradNorm loss {}'.format(grad_norm_loss))
# compute the gradient for the weights
model.weights.grad = torch.autograd.grad(grad_norm_loss, model.weights)[0]